Thursday, October 05, 2006

Copy my idea to take a stand

Mayor Gavin Newson is putting on a Family Festival Saturday, Oct. 14. 11am-3pm. I might just go to show the mayor that, yes, families do exist here in the city.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that picture of you guys! Ray had his 2nd day of preschool today and did great (I didn't cry today either!) Actually, Ray didn't cry the first day and I sobbed like a baby on my way to the car after I dropped him off, but no tears today. Anyways, I made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich again today and his teacher said when he saw it he got a sad face, shook his head and said No, and put his fingers in his mouth! What a character. I made him a turkey sandwich for tomorrow. :) Oh, and he got TWO smiley faces for the playground activity. (I'm not sure what that means, but I'm still proud!)

8:25 PM  
Blogger Sharon Beesley said...

That's so funny about the PBand G sandwich. I'm glad you are doing better. Dad said he saw you at the mall today and you guys had a snack together. That sounds like fun.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was so funny seeing Dad at the mall in the middle of the week during the day! I was letting Lance walk around and I saw a man in the distance who looked like Dad but I thought "It can't be Dad- he's at work." He didn't wave at first either because he wasn't sure it was me and didn't want to look like he was hitting on some girl at the mall with her kid. Anyways, it was a nice surprise and we had some pretzel sticks.

5:46 PM  

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