Copy someone's dream home

I love what this person wrote on his/her (I couldn't figure it out--I saw the name Jon, but the person loves pillows? Could go either way i guess) blog. She/he is talking about a new housing development in Palm Springs:
I'm excited that there are some brave developers that are offering modern-styled houses, as opposed to the tuscan/mediterranean/terra cotta tiled madness that is so prevalent in suburbia right now. Someone just needs to make some closer to home. Anyways. Cool houses...(sigh) I want one. Dare to dream. . .
I hope when it comes time for me to buy a house, I won't get suckered into buying a "tuscan/mediterranean/terra cotta tiled madness" house. It's so much easier to buy one of those homes, because they are everywhere and look nice and comfortable. It's the same reason why I get so mad at myself when I love everything in Old Navy. I want to have these modern refined tastes, but when it comes down to it, I buy things that are easy and convenient and affordable. Wish me luck.
hey Sharon-
thanks so much for commenting on my blog. You know, I actually live in and own one of the "tuscan/mediterranean/terra cotta tiled" homes I wrote about. And I'm totally ok with it. Buying real estate is such a tricky thing. But for me, I knew that this wasn't going to be my home for the rest of my life, but definitely for the next couple of years. So a big factor was resale. As mundane as my home is, lost in the sea of terra cotta tiled roofs, it has doubled its value in less than 3 years. Actually by the second year, it had already doubled, so in that sense, hey- it's all good. Plus i'm in a totally great neighborhood and its really close to work. That was more important to me than the architecture style of the house. There's nothing wrong with affordability and convenience. Not everyone has the time to search those things out. The truth is, there is a lot of good stuff out there that is affordable and convenient. There's nothing wrong with loving everything at Old Navy, because I think as Todd Oldham has said, "if you love it, then it's perfect." It's more about your priorities, and what you want your quality of life to be. Writing HappyMundane has taught me that you can find joy in anything and everything, not necessarily totally unique or only available to an elite few. I've managed to embrace my home and make it work to my needs (and budget) without comprimising on style. Although in a perfect world, I would love to have a more minimal/modern styled home like the ones in Palm Springs, but I do enjoy and cherish the fact that I am living in a brand new home with the all the modern amenities and no need to worry about maintenance (at least for awhile), enabling me to create my own history in it. As I've mentioned before, it's not about where you live, its about how you live, and taste and style is not based on what you buy, its how you put it all together, and from what I can see, you definitely have that already!
Sharon!! You DO have modern and refined taste, but like most of us, are on an Old Navy budget. Someday when you can afford Prada you'll still look just as great. Me? I'd still be buying the store displays even if I had a ton of money. :)
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