Tuesday, August 29, 2006
About Me
- Name: Sharon Beesley
Hi! In October 2010, I moved from San Francisco to Manhattan with my husband, daughter, and twin boys. Since then I've been busy teaching myself and my kids how to hail a cab, fly a kite in Central Park, and walk across the Brooklyn Bridge with style. And a few other things. I write about those other things here. Thanks for stopping by! Email questions to sharonbeesley@gmail.com.
Previous Posts
- Copy Brian and Emily's idea for a good baby name
- Copy or download this tune
- Copy Green Day
- Copy a good print when you see one
- Copy the Tanner's idea of a good time
- (Don't) Copy how materialistic I am
- Copy Martha Stewart's Gray kitchen
- Copy whatever Madonna does
- Copy this gift idea
- Copy my reading list
When do you find the time to read???
Aswer: When Ella decides to take her naps on me and I'm trapped like a rat. I also read Somewhere in the Darkness by Walter Dean Myers this week. I'm so proud of myself. I took the Mac out of my bedroom and stuck it in her room so when she's napping I'm not tempted to waste my whole day blogging.
Your so good! I usually take a nap during my break. The problem is they are addicting- if I miss a day now I am exhausted. Shoot, I'm tired even when I do take a nap. My boys- they get into everything and are always making messes.
Wanna hear a gross example? The other morning I went in to get Ray (who's almost 3) and his pants and diaper were completly off. I looked on the floor and there was a big pile of poop with toys sticking out of it!! Ahhh... what a nice way to wake up. Anyways, I love them to bits but you can see why I'm tired at the end of the day. I guess it's karma- Christine said I would go rough her stuff like a tornado. She still has that stinkin dollhouse...
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